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public space object based situations

utilite publique 

-object based intervention-

A set of 9 - invaluable - objects are “abandonned” in public spaces, with the intention to provoke utility or collection.

the value of  the invaluable”

"I often look in my pocket to find a paper clip, a match or an elastic. 

Sometimes, quite often, I miss 7 cents from my pocket money.
(With which I could always buy a paper clip, or a chewing gum


I still remember the times in which I finally found those objects. I felt an emotion close to fulfilment, achievement, sometimes relief. A feeling that the universe works in tune with me in a “common ground”. 

And then I realise that the momentary intrinsic (or emotional) value of items is often irrelevant to cost.  And that we relate to phenomena both in terms of the purpose they serve but also by the cause by which they arise."

In this intervention, a set of 9 objects -Invaluable- (could be defined as “objets pauvres” by the Arte Povera artists) are “abandonned” in public spaces, with the intention to provoke utility or collection.


The main objective, is to question the public utility of things, both in private and in common grounds. 

In addition, the intervention wishes to create a conceptual platform for public thought, that discusses the utility of public space and the perceived (instrinsic) value of public objects and objects in public. 

Utilite Publique
. “In public (space) there Is no possession - there is only utility”

 A comment on utility, ownership and value.

In economic terms 

A Public Utility refers to an everyday necessity.

In a consuming society founded on possession of commodities and information, this intervention questions the intermittent need of possession and its momentary value. 


A series of objects are apparently “abandoned” in public spaces, promoting utility, collection and/or usage. The viewer is visually encouraged to claim ownership. 

All objects on display are objects that we often need but are usually out of reach in essential/desired moments. Objects, that we have all at some point, wished to have in our pocket, bag or wallet.

They have low monetary value but a high momentary satisfaction power at given moments. All objects are objects that we often acquire (by units and not in multiples) without paying, only to serve an immediate need.

It could be considered as a “legal theft” or in economic terms – a common commodity.

By themselves the objects have extremely low value but have the potential to create a feeling of satisfaction that furnishes an everyday necessity.

This intervention comments on our possessive and consumeristic nature, and questions the “want satisfying power” towards a non-economic and non-marketing based evaluation on inherent needs. Suggesting clearly that an economically worthless offering has the potential and the ability to reinvent the role of our needs and the ways to satisfy them.

This intervention creates a theological clash between public/private, ownership of common commodities, value and need, need and pleasure.

Utilité Publique suggests  that usefulness could be inversely proportional to economic value- as is the foundation of art.

 *NOVEMBER as a multidisciplinary collective, flirts with game, surprise and invisibility. The collective always requires from people to take action, decision and be present at any moment. 

NOVEMBER creates art for those that are willing (knowingly or unknowingly) to perceive it. It stands away from conventional art presentation spaces in order to acknowledge art as a social intervention.


In Marketing Terms

The FORM attributes 

All objects have direct quotidian utility. Their sculptural appearance, despite its simplistic nature suggests an artistic event. They state unclear ownership, abandonment and promote possession. The label “Offentliche Nutzung” promotes ownership but also is visually stimulating since it graphically resembles a warning message (see packet of cigarettes).

The PLACE attributes

By its status, public space is a physical platform that defines common utility. All users of public space are equally hosts and guests. Abandoning, loosing or throwing objects in public space suggests “utility recycling” of  findings. And a more communal behaviour.

The TIME attributes

The ephemeral, the collective timing and the tuning of happenings (“scheduling chance”) that occur in public spaces makes these objects’ value to be affected by the factor of chance. i.e it creates a butterfly effect, or in a more metaphysical manner it triggers fate. 

The POSSESSION attributes

Possession as: an object of art, a collectable or a utility solution. 

Despite the possession has no obvious monetary exchange, the intervention aims in posing the question of ownership, collection, market simplicity and the apparent value of public goods. 

The KNOWLEDGE attributes

A plethora of perceived conceptual readings for both the nature of the objects and the act of public offering may arise. In addition, it tends to conceptually destabilize the economic supply and demand equilibrium. 

2022 copyright material xristo kaouki
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